2016.7--2019.12 LETOU.COM,乐投(中国) 讲师
2020.1--至今 LETOU.COM,乐投(中国) 副教授
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,11701297,图的彩虹连通性和单色连通性,2018/01-2020/12
2. 天津市自然科学基金青年项目,19JCQNJC14400,图的彩虹连通性的计算复杂性与算法研究,2019/04-2022/03
3. 智能信息处理山西省重点实验室开放课题基金,CICIP20118005,大规模复杂网络上相似性等度量的研究,2018/10-2020/09
1.国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,2022YFA1006400,图划分与图染色的理论和方法, 2022/12 至 2027/11,300万元
A. 期刊论文
(1) Qingqiong Cai, Neng Fan*, Yongtang Shi, Shunyu Yao, Integer linear programming formulations for double roman domination problem, Optimization Methods and Software, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/10556788.2019.1679142.
(2) Jiangli Song #*, Qingqiong Cai, Some upper bounds for the 3-rainbow index of line graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 2019, 146: 169-182
(3) Yuede Ma#, Qingqiong Cai*, Shunyu Yao,Integer linear programming models for the weighted total domination problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2019, 358: 146-150 SCI一区
(4) Qingqiong Cai, Tao Li, Yongtang Shi*, Hua Wang, Sum of weighted distances in trees, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2019, 257: 67-84
(5) Qingqiong Cai, Fuyuan Cao, Tao Li*, Hua Wang*, On distances in vertex-weighted trees, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2018, 333: 435-442 SCI一区
(6) Qingqiong Cai, Xueliang Li, Di Wu*, Some extremal results on the colorful monochromatic vertex connectivity of a graph, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2018, 35(4): 1300-1311
(7) Qingqiong Cai, Yingbin Ma*, Jiangli Song, Rainbow connection numbers of ladders and Mobius ladders, Ars Combinatoria, 2017, 131: 321-330
(8) Qingqiong Cai, Xueliang Li*, Di Wu, Erdos-Gallai-type results for colorful monochromatic connectivity of a graph, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2017, 33(1): 123-131
(9) Qingqiong Cai, Xueliang Li*, Yan Zhao, Note on the upper bound of the rainbow index of a graph, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2016, 209: 68-74
(10) Qingqiong Cai, Xueliang Li*, Jiangli Song, The (k,l)-rainbow index for complete bipartite and multipartite graphs, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2016, 39(3): 1225-1236
(11) Qingqiong Cai, Xueliang Li*, Yan Zhao, The 3-rainbow index and connected dominating sets, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2016, 31(3): 1142-1159
(12) Qingqiong Cai, Xueliang Li*, Jiangli Song, The (k,l)-rainbow index of random graphs, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2016, 39(2): 765-771
(13) Qingqiong Cai, Xueliang Li*, Jiangli Song, Solutions to conjectures on the (k,l)-rainbow index of complete graphs, Networks, 2013, 62 (3): 220-224
(14) Qingqiong Cai, Xueliang Li*, Jiangli Song, New skew Laplacian energy of simple digraphs, Transactions on Combinatorics, 2013, 2 (1): 27-37
B. 会议论文
(1) Qingqiong Cai, Shenwei Huang, Tao Li, Yongtang Shi*, Vertex-Critical ( P_5, banner)-Free Graphs. 13th International Workshop on Frontiers in Algorithmics, Sanya, P.R. China, 2019.4.29-2019.5.3